How To Make Coffee While Camping Without Fire. Detailed Guide

how to make coffee while camping without fire

If you love coffee and want to have it even while camping, you probably would like to know how to make coffee while camping without fire.

Here we have gathered plenty of methods for you to make your morning coffee while camping when you do not have a fireplace.

How to make coffee while camping without fire

Before we get started with the methods of preparing the coffee while camping without the fire, we are going to give you some advice about the items that you will probably need to bring with you to camping, to heat your coffee.

Here is a list of useful and convenient transport items that you will need to have on camping:

Propane camping stove

propane camping stove

A propane camping stove is considered one of the safest camping gears one can go for because propane can be stored for a long time at room temperature. The storability nature of propane makes it highly transportable without fear of explosion.

Electrical hot plate

electrical hot plate

Electrical hot plates are ideal for compact spaces and a perfect partner for you on camping. Either for boiling water, tea, and coffee or to reheat your lunch. These electrical hot plates are highly versatile.

Solar-powered kettle

solar-powered kettle

The solar-powered kettle is an effective and eco-friendly appliance that will be a great option to take with you while camping.

Moreover, besides heating your coffee, this item cleans the water of excess impurities that may contain in it.

The only disadvantage is that it will take some time to store solar energy for work. But it is not a problem if you are used to waking up early.

Rechargeable portable espresso maker or kettle

rechargeable portable espresso maker or kettle

This one is a very convenient and effective device. This battery-operated coffee maker will make it possible to prepare your coffee while camping, in case you do not have a campfire.

Portable cold-brew coffee maker

Portable cold-brew coffee maker

This device will help you to make your coffee. Everything you need to make a coffee with this tool is coffee grounds and water. Also, you probably will need a power bank to recharge your coffee maker.

The advantage of this device is that you can use cold water to make coffee.

Fresh coffee beans for camping coffee

Fresh coffee beans for camping coffee

Choose your favorite kind of coffee beans and take them to make coffee. Just use the coffee grinder that you have at home before you go, and then use one of the other methods on this list to make a fresh cup of coffee. It is important for coffee drinkers to have the right coffee beans.

By the way, do not forget to bring your coffee mug, with your own coffee beans.

Methods of how to make coffee while camping without fire

As we reviewed the must-have items you will need to make coffee while camping without a fire, we can now switch to the methods.

Here we have listed some of the methods and tips that would be helpful for you. Just choose one that you like most.

French press

french press

By using the French press method, you will have your coffee ready within 3-4 minutes. All you need to do is to force hot water through ground coffee beans. Then you can have your camp coffee.

As you recognized, the French press coffee does not require any electrical devices or a fire, to prepare.

Cowboy coffee

cowboy coffee

The cowboy coffee method is probably one of the fastest and easiest among others. But you may end up with coffee grounds stuck in your teeth. Still, you will get your burst of caffeine.

This method is pretty easy to execute, but you would need some time to get used to it.

To prepare a coffee by a cowboy coffee method, you will need a liner to hold the grinds and pour hot water through. The coffee made by this method maybe not be as flavorful as you usually have, but you will definitely get your energy charged.

Camp stove

Using a camping stovetop is an easy and convenient way to make coffee while camping. It will give you a flavorful coffee just as you like.

You only need to light it and put your coffee brewer on top. Just as you make coffee at home.

Instant coffee grounds

Using instant coffee granules is a very easy and convenient method of making coffee while camping.

You just need to choose your favorite instant coffee brand, heat up the water, and put the instant coffee grounds in hot water. They will dissolve fast, and you will get a morning cup of your flavorful hot coffee.

Camping coffee with a solar coffee kettle

Camping coffee with a solar coffee kettle

All you have to do is fill the kettle with water and then let the sun take over and heat it up. You can then add the coffee grounds and let them dissolve in hot water.

The only problem is that you will need some time to let the kettle fill the charge since it needs to receive energy from the sun. After that, you can enjoy your morning coffee cup.

Pour-over coffee

The pour-over coffee is a coffee brewing method based on putting the coffee grounds directly into the coffee filters. To make coffee by this method, you just need to slowly pour hot water onto the coffee filter.

This method had been used by coffeemakers until twenty’s century when it was replaced by percolators.

Using coffee pouches

Coffee bags have a similar working principle as tea bags. To make coffee while camping using the coffee bags you will need to put it into the hot water, just like you do it with the tea bags, and wait until the brewing process ends. After that, just put out the coffee bag and enjoy your morning cup.

Battery-operated coffee makers

The coffee makers that work with batteries are the best option to prepare a perfect cup of delicious coffee.

Having it in your camping toolkit will be great in case you do not have a gas stove and a coffee pot.

Coffee thermos

coffee thermos

Bringing a thermos with ready-made hot coffee can be a great option to have coffee while camping without any additional coffee equipment. It will be especially suitable if you are having a short-time trip.

Just prepare your coffee right before you will be going on the camping trip, and enjoy your beloved flavorful beverage. But, only do not let it cool down.

Instant coffee packets

The instant coffee packets are a great option if you like iced coffee. You can use them to prepare coffee, either when you are at home or camping. They have something similar to tea bags.

These instant coffee packets for iced coffee come in different flavors. You can prepare different iced coffee types even when you are on a trip.

Stovetop espresso maker

You can use a stovetop espresso maker if you bring a gas stove with you. This is a great way to enjoy a perfect coffee taste.

Paper coffee filter

paper coffee filter

Using paper coffee filters will be a nice option to make coffee while camping without other additional equipment.

You will only need coffee grounds and water. Put the coffee grounds on the filter and pour the heated water on them. Then, you will need to wait until the coffee grounds will dissolve.

Camping percolator

A camping percolator is a great option to make a cup of coffee camping. Though, you will definitely need a gas or an electric stove for it.

Electric kettle

An electric kettle will also be great to have. But the only thing is that you will need to have a plug-in.


Concluding all the tips and tricks that we covered above, we only want to say that we hope that they will be helpful for you while camping. Just choose a suitable method and go on.


How do you make coffee without electricity or fire?

There are several ways how you can do that. You can use the filters to make coffee, for which only coffee grounds are needed. Also, you can bring a cold-brew coffee maker with you, to make a cold brew coffee. Moreover, you may try a cowboy coffee method, for which you will only need the coffee grounds.

What is the easiest way to make coffee while camping?

The easiest way to make a coffee is to bring the necessary equipment. Then, you will plenty of easy methods.

How do you make real camping coffee?

To make a real camping coffee, you will need a gas or electric stove. It will guarantee a high quality of the coffee you made.

How can I brew coffee without electricity?

You can either prepare it on fire or use other methods that do not require electricity.

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